Before Opting for IVF - Important Things to Know at Miracle ICF Hospital, Bangalore.

A serious medical disease called hypertension can cause a variety of complications. Your fertility may also be harmed by hypertension, as per an IVF specialist in Bangalore. Find this blog helpful.

Infertility and Hypertension

These days, hypertension affects a lot of young people, both men and women. The vast list of factors that contribute to infertility in both men and women now includes hypertension, since it might have an impact on one's reproductive health.

Hypertension-related issues that affect male infertility include:

  • Low sperm coun
  • Decreased sperm movement
  • Erection problems
  • Abnormal morphology of sperm
  • Increase counts of dead sperm

Problems with female infertility brought on by hypertension include:

  • Poor quality eggs
  • Abnormal ovulation
  • High levels of estrogen production and implant problems
Who is more susceptible to infertility caused by hypertension?

Studies have indicated that women who have hypertension are more likely to experience problems with infertility. Advanced age and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors like smoking can further increase the risk of hypertension and the accompanying difficulties conceiving.

If you are having trouble becoming pregnant and have hypertension issues, you should seek counsel from an infertility expert from a reputed IVF clinic. Since some antihypertensive drugs might further reduce your fertility, managing your hypertension alone might not be helpful. Consult your doctor for the best blood pressure management strategy that won't harm your ability to conceive a child.

Hypertension During Pregnancy

You can still become pregnant spontaneously or with the use of treatment techniques including Assisted Reproductive Technology, even if hypertension may decrease your fertility chances.

Lower blood pressure is typical during pregnancy. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be harmful to both the mother and the unborn child. It might lead to a variety of problems, like as:

  • A premature birth
  • The placenta separating from the uterine lining is known as placental abruption.
  • Preeclampsia (high blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy that causes issues with the kidneys and liver)
  • Other obstetric diseases

Consult a healthcare professional if you have hypertension or hypertension brought on by pregnancy. To control hypertension during pregnancy, you must also speak with your doctor about the ingredients and dose of the drugs.

How can Miracle IVF Hospital in Bangalore help?

With prompt treatment, elevated blood pressure during pregnancy is successfully treatable. To treat our patients, our hospital makes use of the latest clinical tools as well as AI and machine learning technologies.

Contact us, if you are facing hypertension in your pregnancy or fertility time.

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