Male and Female Infertility Evaluation at Miracle IVF Hospital, Bangalore.

Male infertility is a prevalent issue. The conception process is complex and difficult. Fortunately, having infertility problems does not deceive you from having a kid of your own with your spouse. There are procedures and therapies that can raise the likelihood of conception in Male Infertility Treatment in Bangalore.


The inability to conceive a child is the major symptom of male infertility. There could be no additional overt symptoms or indicators.

However, as per the best male Infertility Centre in Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, signs and symptoms are caused by an underlying issue, such as a hereditary ailment, hormonal imbalance, or dilated veins around the testes called varicocele, a disorder that inhibits the development of normal sperm because of the increased heat around the testicle. Observable symptoms and signs include:

  • Sexual function problems, such as the inability to ejaculate or ejaculate just a little amount of fluid, erectile dysfunction, or trouble maintaining an erection.
  • Having discomfort, swelling, or a bump around the testicles
  • A sperm count and quality that is below average
Other associated and rare symptoms could be

Female Infertility Treatment in Bangalore includes:

  • Respiratory problems that recur
  • Being unable to smell
  • Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of breasts
  • Hair loss on the face or body, or other chromosomal or hormonal anomalies
Treatment of male Infertility in Bangalore includes:

Medication to improve semen quality and count Surgery: For instance, a varicocele may frequently be surgically fixed, and a blocked vas deferens can usually be fixed. An earlier vasectomy can be undone. When there are no sperm in the ejaculate, sperm may frequently be removed directly from the testicles or epididymis, utilizing sperm retrieval techniques.

Getting rid of infections: An infection of the reproductive system may be treated with antibiotics, although fertility is not always returned.

Treatments for issues with sexual activity: In cases of erectile dysfunction or early ejaculation, medication or counseling might assist enhance fertility.

Medicines and therapies for hormones: In circumstances when infertility is brought on by high or low levels of certain hormones or issues with how the body uses hormones, your doctor at a male fertility clinic in Nagarbhavi may advise hormone replacement or medicines.

Our Doctor

Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar
  • Fellow- Reproductive Medicine
  • Fertility specialist and Gynaecologist
  • Diploma in Human Resources Development
  • Diploma in Hospital Administration
  • Diploma in Health and Hospital Management
  • Medical Director, Miracle IVF Hospital & Chandana Hospital, Bangalore


A: Yes, lifestyle factors like diet and exercise significantly impact fertility. Maintaining a balanced diet, managing weight, and engaging in regular physical activity can improve reproductive health by regulating hormones and promoting overall well-being. These factors can enhance the chances of conception for both men and women.

A: Infertility can lead to emotional distress, including feelings of sadness, frustration, and guilt. It may strain relationships and self-esteem. Psychological aspects can include anxiety and depression. Coping strategies, support, and counseling are crucial in addressing these emotional and psychological challenges.

A: Male infertility is diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation, including a medical history, physical examination, semen analysis to assess sperm count and quality, hormone tests, and imaging studies like ultrasound. Additional tests may be done to identify underlying causes, such as genetic testing or specialized sperm function tests.

A: Yes, egg or sperm donation is a viable option for couples facing fertility issues. It allows them to use donor eggs or sperm to conceive a child when they cannot do so with their own reproductive cells. This is a common and effective solution for many couples struggling with infertility.

A: Yes, fertility treatments can increase the chances of multiple pregnancies. Medications like Clomid and assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can lead to the release of multiple eggs, raising the likelihood of twins, triplets, or more.

A: Yes, there are surgical options to treat infertility in both men and women. In men, procedures like varicocelectomy can improve sperm quality, while women may benefit from surgeries to correct issues like blocked fallopian tubes, surgeries for the uterus, or endometriosis. However, the suitability of surgery depends on the underlying cause of infertility.

A: To improve fertility, maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated, limit caffeine and alcohol, and manage stress. Adequate folate, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids may also support reproductive health. Consult a healthcare professional like Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar for personalized guidance.

A: Yes, specific tests for identifying male infertility include semen analysis to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology, as well as blood tests to evaluate hormone levels (e.g., FSH, testosterone). Additionally, genetic tests and physical exams may be conducted to identify potential causes of infertility.

A: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing processed sperm directly into the uterus to facilitate fertilization. Compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is less expensive and less intrusive. Success rates for IUI vary but are generally lower than IVF, making IVF a more effective option for some couples with infertility issues.

A: Yes, stress and anxiety can impact fertility by disrupting hormonal balance and menstrual cycles. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can reduce stress, potentially improving fertility. Consult a healthcare professional like Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar for personalized guidance.

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