Counseling Services at Miracle IVF Hospital, Bangalore.
Fertility & IVF Counselling

The challenges of infertility followed by infertility treatments tend to aggravate the anxiety and stress levels in couples. Fertility & IVF counselling can help pacify the emotional turbulence and stabilize overall mental health. Our team of counsellors at Miracle IVF strives to identify the core issue and curates a strategic counselling plan with a good balance of individual and couple sessions. Our team of experts carefully analyses the emotional needs and expectations of the couple. We also discuss, explain and advise on the various alternative procedures like IVF, IUI, Sperm Donation, and embryo donation to help you opt for the most suitable option.

Need for Fertility Counselling

Infertility and the struggles of the subsequent course of treatment hit the emotional and mental well-being of the couple like an avalanche. It affects all aspects of life; the relationship between the couples, their social life, every schedule and activity, and also their self-esteem. Attending an expert-led counselling session at Miracle IVF Centre can help to-be-parents deal with the everyday changes that affect their lives and impact them emotionally, mentally, and socially.

When to go for Fertility Counselling

Staying alert to the status of your mental health is very important. Any person experiencing emotional or mental fluctuations hampering the daily functioning should consult the best Fertility Clinic/Centre for Counselling regarding Fertility because this is not something to be ignored or kept under the rock.

The signs that indicate the need for infertility counselling include:
  • Persistent feelings of guilt, anger, sadness or worthlessness
  • Feelings of no self-worth and self-esteem
  • Anxiety, Depression, Mood swings
  • Retracting social life, poor concentrating
  • Excessive use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Marital issues
  • Crying spells
  • Insomnia
  • Appetite loss
  • Feelings of hopelessness
Steps of Fertility Counselling & Benefits

Your fertility counsellor helps you process your feelings and emotions throughout the different stages of infertility to make the journey smooth and emotionally comfortable.

Pre-treatment counselling
  • Accepting the infertility news: The news of infertility usually hits like a truck making couples feel extremely disheartened and distressed. An IVF councillor can help channelise feelings better and make the entire grief management process easier. It helps iron out the feelings of insecurity and re-establish smooth and healthy communication between couples.
  • Dealing with constant depression, anger and jealousy: It is common to have feelings of anger and jealousy about those couples who had children normally. These feelings if left unaddressed can impact the emotional stability of the these patients. A councillor helps in venting out the emotions by communicating and articulating it better.
During infertility treatment:
  • Staying positive through the treatment: Once a couple decides to opt for fertility treatment, their everyday life changes. There are multiple anxious thoughts and doubts that make it difficult to sustain through the process. Our team of IVF councillors guide your thoughts and emotions in the right direction to make sure that the process and the overall experience is smooth and seamless.
  • Support & subsequent implications: IVF counselling helps the couple understand the process and its implications on their everyday lifestyle, sex life and diet. The multiple procedures could be too much to handle for both parents. With assistance from our experts at Miracle IVF the parents stay a step ahead, emotionally & mentally prepared for the upcoming procedures.
Post treatment
  • Dealing with a failure: It is common for couples to doubt the relevance and sense of their relationship when the IVF process does not work. The hope handed out by IVF crashes and takes an immense mental toll on both partners. With out proper guidance these feelings can lead to fall out in relationships, depression, anxiety and even stimulate suicidal thoughts.
  • Dealing with Social repulsion: Families often react adversely toward a child born through IVF. The situations are improving but the since the society is still far from perfect, these behaviours can negatively impact the feelings and emotions of the parents. Keeping in touch with our councillors help parents deal with these social issues and look at the situation with a more positive approach.

Finding an Infertility and IVF Counselling centre in Bangalore isn’t a challenge when you have our exemplary team at Miracle IVF centre. Our team of professionals regularly upgrade their knowledge and expertise to ensure that all parents dealing with IVF or planning to opt for it can get the assistance they need to sail through the process.

Our Doctor

Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar
  • Fellow- Reproductive Medicine
  • Fertility specialist and Gynaecologist
  • Diploma in Human Resources Development
  • Diploma in Hospital Administration
  • Diploma in Health and Hospital Management
  • Medical Director, Miracle IVF Hospital & Chandana Hospital, Bangalore
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