Andrology Services - Miracle IVF Hospital, Bangalore.

Andrology care, which is the study and care of the infertile male, is sometimes a less defined and more confusing process than the care of the infertile female. In some clinics, the reproductive health of the male is largely overlooked “as long as there are a few sperm available” for IVF/ICSI treatment. However, proper male reproductive healthcare is important for both the success of infertility treatments, as well as long-term health of the male. Therefore, the Center for Reproductive Medicine (CRM) is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to every patient using a team approach to the care of the couple.

Generally, the care of an infertile couple is led by a reproductive endocrinologist, the infertility specialist who will oversee many therapeutic options, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). AT CRM, five reproductive endocrinologists oversee infertility care: Dr. Colleen Casey, Dr. Mark Damario, Dr. Dan Lebovic, Dr. Meg Hopeman and Dr. Joshua Kapfhamer. In most cases, this physician will order and interpret the basic infertility tests from the Andrology Laboratory for the male, along with routine testing of his partner.

The Andrology lab is directed by Dr. Doug Carrell, who assures that the tests are performed accurately, and who is available to consult with the physicians and patients to interpret the results and suggest other possible testing. In some circumstances, it will be in the patient’s best interest to receive further analysis or treatment from a reproductive urologist who specializes in male infertility. In this situation, the CRM physicians will closely work with the urologist treating the male to coordinate future therapies in the best possible manner.

The fourth unit of this care team is you, the patient. How can you make sure your health care team functions to its highest potential? First, make sure you communicate accurately any concerns, medications, recreational drugs or other potential environmental factors relevant to fertility to your physician. Second, carefully follow the laboratory guidelines for abstinence and collection so that the results are as accurate as possible. Third, communicate throughout the process your questions and concerns.

In summary, the CRM male reproductive care team consists of your physician (reproductive endocrinologist), the laboratory, in some cases a reproductive urologist, and you. Together this team is dedicated to bringing you the highest level of male infertility diagnosis and care.

Our Doctor

Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar
  • Fellow- Reproductive Medicine
  • Fertility specialist and Gynaecologist
  • Diploma in Human Resources Development
  • Diploma in Hospital Administration
  • Diploma in Health and Hospital Management
  • Medical Director, Miracle IVF Hospital & Chandana Hospital, Bangalore
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