Before Opting for IVF - Important Things to Know at Miracle ICF Hospital, Bangalore.

The act of transferring an embryo developed through IVF into a womans uterus is known as embryo transfer. Embryos that are either fresh or frozen can be used in this process. Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is the term used to describe the transfer of an embryo that has been previously frozen and thawed for the operation.

Some physical and psychological changes can happen after a successful frozen embryo transfer.

Physical and Emotional Symptoms

Day 1st-3rd day

Minor cramping: Following the transfer, some women report minor cramping. Typically, this is transient and of little significance.

Spotting: In the days following the process, light spotting is possible as per the IVF specialist in Bangalore. Although this is usually normal, you should inform your doctor if there is any significant bleeding.

Days 4-6: Window for implantation

Cramping during implantation: Some women may experience light cramping or twinges as the embryo penetrates the uterine lining.

Increased basal body temperature: During the implantation window, a small rise in basal body temperature may be seen.

Beginning on Day 7, Early Pregnancy Symptoms
  • Frequent Urine: As per the IVF clinic in Bangalore, increased blood flow to the pelvic region and hormonal changes may make you need to urinate more frequently.
  • Mood swings: Changes in hormone levels can cause irritation and mood swings.
Body Changes Following Embryo Transfer

As the body gears up for a potential pregnancy, an increase in cervical mucus production is a frequent shift following embryo transfer.

No side effects following your embryo transfer

Don't panic if you haven't seen any of the aforementioned symptoms; 10 to 15% of women report feeling OK after their embryo transfer, and these side effects are frequently caused by a progesterone and estrogen combo.

It's advisable to relax and refrain from interpreting positive feelings following an embryo transfer as either premenstrual symptoms or early pregnancy symptoms because they can be difficult to separate from one another. None of these symptoms should, however, be severe, and if they are, it's crucial to get in touch with your clinic for more guidance.

Keep in mind that while medical procedures naturally include some risk, a reputable IVF clinic like Miracle IVF Hospital in Bangalore has specialists who are highly skilled in assisted reproductive technologies.

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