Male Infertility: Understanding Causes and Treatment Options

More than half of the infertility issues is because of different male factors that one needs to keep in mind. If you are thinking about what leads to male infertility then you are certainly on the right page. We are here to discuss all the aspects in terms of causes, solutions, and diagnostic tools available to get male infertility treated as advised by top male fertility centres in Bangalore like Miracle IVF Hospital. So, it is important that you do not overlook and underestimate the factors that leads to male infertility as we bring you all the suggestions by IVF specialist in Bangalore in the name of Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar from Miracle IVF Hospital. Let’s get going.

Causes of Male Infertility

Some of the common issues affecting sperm quality and male fertility include:

  • Varicocele: Abnormal enlarged veins around testicles that can increase scrotal temperature affecting sperm production.
  • Infection: Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea left untreated can damage sperm ducts over time.
  • Hormonal issues: Low testosterone levels, abnormalities in FSH or LH can impair spermatogenesis.
  • Lifestyle: Excessive smoking, alcohol, stress, obesity negatively impact sperm parameters.
  • Genetic: Karyotype abnormalities, genetic defects like cystic fibrosis lead to infertility.
  • Undescended testes: Not descending into scrotum during infancy can inhibit sperm production.
  • Idiopathic: Despite thorough workup, about 30% male infertility cases remain unexplained.
Diagnostic Evaluation

Let’s check with the tests conducted by Male fertility centres in Bangalore like Miracle IVF:

  • Semen Analysis: Checks volume, count, shape, movement and vitality of sperm under a microscope.
  • Hormone Testing: FSH, LH, Testosterone levels indicate cause whether pituitary, testicular or genetic.
  • Genetic Testing: Conducted if semen/hormonal abnormalities to check for genetic defects.
  • Infection Screening: Tests for STDs like HIV that can affect fertility if untreated.
  • Scrotal Ultrasound: Used to detect varicocele, hydrocele, anatomical defects.
  • Urological exam: Checks for structural abnormalities like undescended testes.
Treatment Options

IVF doctor in Bangalore Dr. Rekha offers advice specific to diagnosis and may suggest:

Lifestyle Changes: Quit smoking, moderate alcohol/caffeine, follow healthy eating plans and exercise regime.

Medical Treatment: For hormone imbalances, infections with antibiotics and some varicocele cases.

Surgery: Repair of varicocele, reconstruction for obstructions like vasovasostomy or epididymovasostomy.

ICSI: Used with IVF when male factor identified, a single sperm is directly injected into egg for fertilization.

Sperm Retrieval Techniques: For obstructive/non-obstructive azoospermia when no sperm in ejaculate.

Donor Sperm: Sometimes only option if all above fail due to extremely poor sperm parameters.

IVF clinics in Bangalore also provide counselling on options to emotionally support couples experiencing male factor infertility.


Hopefully you have got complete clarity with the aspects that leads to male infertility and how you can get it resolved as well. It is important that you work on your lifestyle as it enhances the chances of not having to experience the issue. Addressing modifiable risk factors can improve fertility in borderline cases. However, evaluation at male fertility centres is crucial to pinpoint exact cause and determine most suitable treatment under an IVF specialist like Dr. Rekha Rajendrakumar for overall conception success rates. Good luck!

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