IVF Success Rates: What to Expect and How to Improve Your Chances

Are you thinking how about IVF treatment can assist couples struggling with infertility? We are here to help you with a detailed guide.

IVF success rates vary depending on multiple factors. This article discusses what to expect in terms of IVF success rates and evidence-backed ways to improve your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy through IVF.

National IVF Success Rate Averages

On average, the national IVF success rate in India is approximately 50-60% per cycle for women under 35 years of age. This rate slowly declines with increasing maternal age. Success rates are also affected by the cause of infertility. For example, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes usually have IVF success rates of around 40%, whereas couples battling male factor infertility or unexplained infertility may see rates of 30-35%.

Role of Maternal Age

Medical research shows that a woman's age is one of the biggest determinants of IVF success. As women get older, their eggs become less viable and there are higher chances of miscarriage. The following are some average IVF pregnancy rates based on maternal age:

  • Under 35 years: 55-60%
  • 35-37 years: 50-55%
  • 38-40 years: -35- 40%
  • 41-42 years: 25-30%
  • Over 42 years: Less than 30%
Top IVF Centres can Impact Rates Positively

Couples planning IVF treatments may improve their success chances by opting for the facilities at the top institutes. For example, high success rate IVF centres in Bangalore like Miracle IVF, have state-of-the-art labs and a team of IVF specialist in Bangalore who are experts in their field with years of experience handling complex cases. They tend to have IVF pregnancy rates 5-10% higher than average. This is because of their advanced techniques, low infection rates, individualized treatment approaches, personal approach to each patient and high embryologist competence levels.

Ways to Boost your Chances Naturally

In addition to overall good health, lifestyle changes 2-3 months before and during IVF can boost your odds as per the best IVF Hospital in Bangalore:

  • Maintain a healthy weight - Being under or overweight could reduce success.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol and caffeine intake.
  • Follow a nutritious diet rich in folate, Omega-3s, antioxidants and low GI foods.
  • Reduce stress with relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation.
  • Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily for optimal hormonal balance.
Selecting a Matched Donor for Recipients

For IVF involving third-party reproduction, proper selection of donor helps increase chances. Parameters matched include ethnicity, height, education level, hair and eye colour. Testing donors thoroughly for genetic diseases and conducting multiple screening cycles also optimizes outcomes.

Single Embryo Transfer

Placing multiple embryos during an IVF cycle may improve odds of pregnancy but risks a multiple pregnancy which poses serious health issues for both mother and babies. Therefore, single embryo transfer (SET) is now advised for younger patients with good embryo quality to minimize risks.

Stress Management and Support

The emotional aspects of fertility treatment affect success rates too. IVF specialist in Bangalore advise counselling and overall stress management through social support, yoga and relaxation techniques to prepare the mind and body optimally for pregnancy. A positive mindset leads to better health outcomes overall.

Final Thoughts

So, IVF success rates vary based on multiple factors within and beyond anyone's control. However, choosing top-rated fertility clinics, matching patient factors, lifestyle changes and utilizing advanced techniques maximize the odds significantly for hopeful couples. Ongoing medical advancements also continue improving IVF success rates steadily each year.

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